This feature is added since v2.15.1. The purpose of the feature is to provide a custom registration form for the user.
Instead of having email & password only, now you can have extra fields like name, address, phone number, etc…
// Sample Contact form 7 registration form // hidden fields are optionals [hidden sendEmailConfirmation1 "true"] [hidden redirect "/my-account"] <label> First Name [text* firstName] </label> <label> Last Name [text* lastName] </label> <label> Gender [select gender "Male" "Female" "Other"] </label> <label> Email [email* email] </label> <label> Password [password* password password_min:6] </label> <label> Password Confirmation [password* password_validate password_check:password] </label> [submit "Register"]
// then you can import the registration form to any page that you want // Remember to add html_id="if-c7-registration-form" [contact-form-7 id="211" title="Registration" html_id="if-c7-registration-form"]