Firebase Account

You have ability to manage Firebase Users account from WordPress. For example, User is managed in Firestore under ‘users‘ collection and the document is the Firebase UID.

Then you can create a Contact 7 form with the fields that represent your users information.

*Note: the form only supports text, tel, number, date and radio at the moment.

// Contact 7 form sample for user management
// If you add class "getFirebaseUid" to any inputs, it will return the current user uid automatically

[hidden databaseType "firestore"]
[hidden collectionName "wpUsers"]
[hidden documentId class:getFirebaseUid "INVALID"]
[hidden dateType "dateOfBirth"]

[text* firstName placeholder "First Name"]
[text* lastName placeholder "Last Name"]
[text* email placeholder "Email"]
[tel phone placeholder "+1 647 620 0000"]

[number age id:age min:1 max:100]
Date of Birth

[date* dateOfBirth id:dateOfBirth]

[radio gender id:gender default:1 "Male" "Female" "Other"]

[submit "Submit"]

Then you can add the shortcode on a Page that you created.

// html_id="ifp-firebase-account" is required

[contact-form-7 id="188" html_id="ifp-firebase-account" title="Firebase Account"]

// Display User data dynamically with this shortcode

[firestore class='your-class-name' collection_name='wpUsers' document_name='getFirebaseUid' display_fields='firstName,lastName,email,phone,age,dateOfBirth,gender']

    [hidden integerTypes “age”]
