Dynamic Display Firestore Data from Blocks

This is a child page for display dynamic data from a list of documents. It doesn’t work by itself.

You have to put the shortcode below to this page, and the content will be generated when the user clicks on a link from the parent page.

// Data is generated from https://wordpress.dalenguyen.me/display-firestore-collection-as-blocks/
// document_name will be replace by the docId from query params 

// E.g. https://wordpress.dalenguyen.me/dynamic-display-firestore-data-from-blocks/?docId=1prQPhET2etbBRkrF3f8

[firestore class='your-class-name' collection_name='blog' document_name='from-queries' display_fields='title,author.fullName,description' images='image.url' display_type='blocks']